Food & Body

Compassionate, non-diet nutrition counseling that meets you where you are.

All foods fit. Our approach includes using your physiological cues and mindfulness to improve your relationship with food and maximize health. Research overwhelmingly supports that dieting is not only ineffective, but can have deleterious effects long-term to physical and mental health. The number one predictor of weight gain? DIETING. Roughly 90% of those who diet will gain more weight than before they began the diet. This begins the customary cycle of yo-yo dieting: ephemeral results, weight regain, rinse and repeat.

It’s time to ADD food to your plate, not remove them.

You are not alone. There is a way to free up headspace, and coexist with food and body in a positive manner.

How much time do you spend:

  • analyzing and second guessing your food choices? 

  • Feeling bad about yourself when looking in the mirror?

  • Ignoring your cravings or feeling shame for having cravings?

  • Feeling out of control with food?

  • Feeling like a failure after another unsuccessful diet?

How would it feel to be confident in making choices to enhance your health and recognize that health ​and​ nutrition status ​cannot be judged ​based on appearance, weight, or BMI. Healthy is a FEELING, not a food or flavor or size.

A Non-Diet Approach: You don’t fail diets, they fail you.

Here at Summit, we focus on eating, mental health, social justice, cultural preferences, biochemical imbalances, and joyful and purposeful movement in order to improve health outcomes. We address lifestyle behaviors, not weight. This encourages and empowers our clients to engage in these behaviors that will have positive effects on health, whether or not weight loss is achieved.

The behaviors we engage in are important to be aware of because they can have an impact, positive or negative, on our health. Unlike smoking cigarettes, weight is NOT a behavior. Healthy behaviors can include: eating nutrient-dense and satisfying foods, listening to internal hunger and fullness cues, engaging in enjoyable movement, meditation, physical therapy, staying hydrated and getting enough sleep.

Our goal: Heal your broken relationship with food and body through intuitive eating, compassionate care with evidence-based methods.  

Summit’s mission is to help you find joy in eating, joyous movement, and remove stigmas associated with unattainable, unsustainable and negative measures to health. Our approach is influenced by several modalities: intuitive eating, mindful eating, and Health at Every Size®  for long term recovery and food and body freedom. We believe best practice in helping people heal broken relationships with food and body is generally an anti-diet, and weight inclusive approach.

It’s not easy to leave and redirect your mindset. This approach is clearly a not one size fits all, takes time, and is highly individualized. If you are looking for a new journey, are curious to learn more about our approaches, we would love to support you!